Tired of heading to the feed store for OTC meds or having to purchase exorbitantly priced prescriptions for your fur-babies? 



Now I can diffuse essential oils even though I have cats!

"I love knowing what herbs and essential oils are safe for my cats. I always thought it was dangerous to diffuse essential oils around my cats, but now I know I just need to use the right ones. Many of them are even good for them!"

---Carla P, Student





Your livestock animal or pet comes down with something, and you've got to decide: An expensive run to the vet? Or do you take a chance to see if your fur-baby will recover on his own? 

What to do? 

But what if you had some basic knowledge about using safe herbs and essential oils with your animals so you could....

  • have more choices about what you might be able to do at home first
  • know which herbs and essential oils are not only safe but can improve health
  • serve the respiratory system, heal wounds, help digestive upsets, and lots more....
  • give your animals better options for pest controls 
  • even work with your chickens!
  • And MORE!

Hi! I'm Heidi Villegas...

 I've been a homesteader with livestock animals (poultry of all kinds, goats, horses) and of course our dogs and cats for years. When I began learning herbalism over 15 years ago, I wondered as you probably do, "Is it safe to use these helpful herbs and oils with my animals?"

As the owner and founder of Healing Harvest Homestead and the School of Botanical Arts & Sciences, I'm passionate about living your best, most natural life for wellness. This includes your animals too! 

Let's go natural and enjoy wellness!

This was so helpful!

"I loved this workshop and the book is very helpful with many flexible recipes for all kinds of animals. This was a great overview of using herbs and essential oils for animals, and I appreciate the additional resources."

---Naomi H.


Animal Herbalism 101: Livestock and Pet Wellness

By the end of this fun and informative course, you will understand and be able to:
  • make various herbal preparation methods
  • make various aromatherapy preparation methods
  • know general safety guidelines for using herbs and essential oils with animals
  • know general dosing for herbs
  • know general dilution rates for animals of all sizes with a breakdown by species (dogs, cats, larger animals/livestock)
  • which herbs and essential oils you should avoid all together
  • have recipes and protocols for common ailments under your belt such as
    • conjunctivitis
    • cuts and wounds
    • flea and tick suggestions
    • flies
    • ideas for natural deworming
    • digestive upsets
    • skin issues including itchy skin, fungus, yeast
    • mastitis in livestock
    • support for respiratory systems
    • what to do for anxiety and stress and the signs your animal may be having some issues
    • And a special mention for Fowl on the Farm (turkeys, chickens, etc.)


  • A fast-paced hour long workshop video 
  • a slide deck for taking notes,
  • a complete 70 page text book (digital),
  • plus effective, safe remedies and formulations. 

Start implementing natural health for your animals today!

You'll enjoy this 101 level overview of herbal animal wellness and be equipped with a plan for common issues in your animals.


"Heidi, you are my favorite teacher. Seriously. You're the one that's kept me coming back to learn more. What a blessing you are to all of us."

----Joy Muscato, Student


Don't miss this very special opportunity to get started with animal herbalism basics.

$77 Just $57!

What you'll be able to do and what's included:

  • make various herbal preparation methods
  • make various aromatherapy preparation methods
  • know general safety guidelines for using herbs and essential oils with animals
  • know general dosing for herbs
  • know general dilution rates for animals of all sizes with a breakdown by species (dogs, cats, larger animals/livestock)
  • which herbs and essential oils you should avoid all together
  • have recipes and protocols for common ailments under your belt such as
    • conjunctivitis
    • cuts and wounds
    • flea and tick suggestions
    • flies
    • ideas for natural deworming
    • digestive upsets
    • skin issues including itchy skin, fungus, yeast
    • mastitis in livestock
    • support for respiratory systems
    • what to do for anxiety and stress and the signs your animal may be having some issues
    • And a special mention for Fowl on the Farm (turkeys, chickens, etc.)


  • A fast-paced hour long workshop video 
  • a slide deck for taking notes,
  • a complete 70 page text book (digital),
  • plus effective, safe remedies and formulations. 

Ready to get start your beginnings in animal herbalism?


There's no time like right now!

Learn animal herbalism basics