$57.00 USD

Get the Botanical Gifts course for 40% OFF with this one-time offer!

Only $47, and you'll be making the BEST herbal and aromatic gifts for friends, family, and yourself!

Animal Herbalism 101: Using Medicinal Herbs and Essential Oils for Livestock and Pet Health

This is a one-hour workshop with an 70 page text where the world of animal herbalism and aromatherapy will be opened up for you!

 You'll find out in-depth safety information for different species, an overview of herbal and essential oil medicine making, and many recipes you can use for common ailments with your animals.

 Cats are addressed as well as a special section on chickens. A 70 page digital book is also included along with the workshop slides.

 Essential oils and herbs work great with animals! Here's a little case study on how they worked with an aggressively barking (nonstop) dog in a family home:

 "I wanted to update you on Scooter's barking issue. I ordered the EOs you suggested and had them sent to my daughter....They have done the trick! He's so much more mellow, and their younger dog has once again started carrying his toys around with him and is much happier too. He was quite anxious before and we didn't realize just how much the barking (and the resulting frustration from the humans) was affecting him." ---Kathi